by George T Montague
Publication Date: 11/01/2008
ISBN: 9780801035814
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Endorsements & Reviews
“George Montague’s volume on First and Second Timothy, Titus in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture is a rich addition to the study of the Pastoral Epistles. Tackling the tough questions of authorship and dating, Montague presents a scholarly and Catholic exegesis that incisively analyzes all the arguments and draws carefully thought-out conclusions. Gleaning from sources ancient and modern, the scope of the commentary is broad and faithfully Catholic. The sidebars and historical and cultural notes make this an exceptionally valuable resource. This is certainly a welcomed addition to my library!”
– Steve Ray, lecturer; author of the Bible Study Guides for Genesis and Acts; and writer, producer, and host of the ten-part documentary series Footprints of God: The Story of Salvation from Abraham to Augustine
“This is an expansive study of the Pastoral Epistles by veteran scholar George Montague. . . . Following the format of this helpful series, the commentaries open up the meaning of the biblical text and, in Montague’s case, offer down-to-earth and personal reflections on the significance of the Pastoral Epistles for Christian life today.”
– Donald Senior, CP, Bible Today
“The commentary is accessible in its presentation, even while demonstrating awareness of critical debates, and contains a useful glossary, (ecumenical) suggestions for further research, excurses on biblical and historical background as well as traditional interpretations, listings of where passages are discussed in the Catechism and occur in the lectionary, and notations of relevant biblical parallels. And the commentators are particularly good at relating the scriptures to the larger body of church teaching and life. This is a valuable resource for pastors, Bible teachers and congregants engaged in either personal or group Bible study.”
– James R. A. Merrick, Theological Book Review
“While the author carefully treats the key interpretive questions raised by the text, the focus of the series is on ‘the meaning of the text for faith and life.’. . . Dozens of ‘Biblical Background’ and ‘Living Tradition’ sidebars present pertinent perspectives that are often absent from standard commentaries. Lay readers and those in pastoral ministry alike will find this a stimulating resource for studying the Bible.”
-Patrick Gray, Religious Studies Review
“Well done, stimulating, and theologically helpful.”
– Ray Van Neste, Preaching
“[Montague] starts each section with careful exegesis of the text and then turns to contemporary applications. . . . This is a commentary made lively by the many stories and personal experiences which the author recounts to make the text speak for today. But in his teaching he always keeps within the orthodoxy expected in this series. . . . There is a good mixture of scriptural scholarship, background information, church teaching, and practical application. . . . [This commentary] will help especially the teacher and the preacher for [it tries] to do what the Pontifical Biblical Commission asked of Catholic exegetes: not just to offer mere exposition but ‘to explain the meaning of the biblical texts for today’. If the rest of the series is as good as [this commentary] they will be worth buying.”
– David Sanders, OP, New Blackfriars
“While its methodological approach utilizes the historical and literary methods, the style and language are easy to follow and quite engaging. True to its aim and purpose, the analyses of these ‘Pastoral Letters’ are connected with liturgy, evangelization, catechesis, theology, and personal and communal life. . . . This commentary, like others in the same series, provides a variety of useful features that help readers connect with other aspects of the Catholic faith and tradition. . . . While the commentary does not offer new ground-breaking theories, its perspectives are nevertheless refreshing and are certainly grounded in solid scholarship. For those working actively in pastoral and preaching ministries, this can be a very resourceful and inspiring commentary on the three Catholic epistles of the Church.”
– VanThanh Nguyen, SVD, Catholic Library World